Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Quote Of The Day

In order to prepare Israel for the gospel that Jesus would preach, John (the baptist) was chosen to break up their hardened spiritual soil through both his austere lifestyle and his cutting message. John experienced amazing results, but this is not always the case.

Some of you are not only in a hard place, you are having a hard time too. No matter how much you pray or how hard you preach, no one responds. You invite people to your Bible study or to church, and they don’t show up. Everything in you wants to quit. Let me tell you right now that this is no time to give up....

No matter how hard your task may seem, God is at work to change the very place you are laboring. It may take five months or five years, but that is not the issue.

If you are faithful to fulfill the task God has given you, sooner or later, your harvest will come.

- Jim Laffoon @ Our Daily Blog

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