Thursday, January 31, 2008

Do Clowns Creep You Out?

I don't really remember being bothered by them when I was a kid - but now clowns kind of creep me out. I don't really know why. Those guys at the circus are pretty funny, so what is it about them that bothers me? It isn't like I would run off screaming if I encountered one, but I would definitely tense up - and I haven't even seen any movies or read any books where a clown is a bad guy. (This may be one of the reasons I enjoyed Big Fat Liar so much.) Weird, huh?

Perhaps not so much. I found a post over at Provocative Church blog that reported some information that clowns are universally disliked by kids.

He questions the popularity of "clown ministries" that have been assumed to be effective - when research shows that to a kid they are merely just creepy. He wonders how many other things that the church does in our culture are perhaps not as effective as we think.

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