Sunday, January 6, 2008

A New Name...

Whether you realize it or not, God is bringing people into your life on a regular basis to see if you will rename them. From the random encounter, to the friend who pours out his (or her) heart to you, these may well be divine appointments. Yet, this is more than a great privilege; it is also an awesome responsibility.

Paul clearly delineates the awesomeness of our responsibility in Romans 10:14c: “And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”

If you do not speak to the people whom God is bringing to you, how will they ever hear the Gospel? As you take a moment to ponder this great opportunity, let the words of John 20:21b-22a settle into your spirit: “'As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.' And with that he breathed on them...”

Can you feel your Master’s gentle breath? Can you hear His loving voice? He is not only sending people to you; He is sending you.

Jim Laffoon @ Our Daily Blog

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