Friday, January 4, 2008

A New Beginning

Well, it has begun again. January 1 has rolled around, and I finished my One Year Bible about 30 seconds after the gunfire began to erupt around my parents' house. (I live in a rural area where folks still get excited about making loud, booming noises at 12:00 AM on New Year's Day.) I think someone must have had a cannon going off, because I heard a few eruptions that sounded louder than the typical 12-gauge shotgun! In my opinion, New Year's Day is a pretty ridiculous holiday, but, hey, it is a day off, so who's complaining?

Anyway, as I was saying earlier, I finished up reading through the Bible about 30 seconds after midnight on the 1st. Now I am beginning again all over again. Last year I used the New American Standard version. This year I am planning to use the New Living Translation. I like to switch versions each year because it gives me a little different perspective each time - something that is helpful to someone who doesn't read in the original languages yet. Of course, it makes it hard to find verses using concordances sometimes, because I end up grabbing a word here and there from each version that I have read. It gets very annoying when you can't find a verse that you know good and well is in there!

Each year I also concentrate on one theme as I am reading. That isn't to say that I don't notice other things, but it helps to keep me focused as I am reading. It also helps me to get a good feel for what the Bible says about that topic "globally," which is one of the main keys to correct biblical interpretation.

Last year I payed particular attention to what the Bible says about the nature and character of God. How does God describe Himself in the Bible? What sorts of things will He do? What sorts of things won't He do? What is God like? It was a very good theme and I learned a lot - especially as I was reading through the prophets. This year, I plan to pay special attention to the theme of fear. What causes fear? What are we supposed to fear? What are we not supposed to fear? How can fear be defeated?

I am already a little bit behind, because I forgot to take my NLT Bible with me when my family went to celebrate Christmas (on New Year's Day) with my Grandmother, but it really won't be hard to get caught up. Each reading only takes about 15-30 minutes. I have also gotten a little bogged down meditating on the opening chapters of Genesis. I really love reading the Pentateuch. There is so much great stuff in there. But who am I kidding? There is a lot of great stuff in all of the Bible. The Word of God is truly a treasure. I wish I saw it that way even more than I do now.

If you have never managed to read the Bible through from cover to cover, I would heartily recommend it. The One Year Bible is a great resource. I like it because everything is already set up for you. Each day you get an Old Testament passage, a New Testament passage, a Psalm, and a Proverb. The good thing about that to me is that when I hit a passage that is dry to me or difficult, I know that it is only a little bit of reading until I get to something where the "fruit" is a little more accessible. Of course, if you can't afford one, there are daily Bible reading schedules that will carry you through the Bible in a year too.

Regardless of what method you use, I hope that you will make it a daily discipline to spend time in the Word of God this year. It will bring great dividends!

Happy reading!

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