Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Well Done Good And Faithful Servant

I don't know how I missed it. I have been on conservative news websites every day and yet somehow I missed the news of the death of Dr. D. James Kennedy. The first that I heard of it was Sunday morning at church. I am not quite sure how it happened. How could a man of his stature die and I not know about it at all? Well I may have missed the news here, but I can assure you of one thing - nobody in Heaven missed it when Dr. Kennedy showed up for his welcome home party.

I have never been able to follow Dr. Kennedy avidly. I'm more of a music guy in the car and I don't watch a lot of religious programming. However, I have always enjoyed the times that I was able to hear or watch his teaching. He always struck me as a man of great intelligence, piety, and integrity.

The list of his accomplishments is long and distinguished, and I have heard numbers bandied about that the evangelism tool that he developed, Evangelism Explosion (a.k.a EE) is responsible for over 5 MILLION conversions to Christianity. I can't even begin to imagine having that kind of impact on the world and it not being the front story of every newspaper, news site, blog, and newscast.

I found a very good interview with a co-worker of Dr. Kennedy's that sheds some light on this man of God.

The Homegoing of Dr. D. James Kennedy
By Paul Edwards
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Welcome home, Dr. Kennedy. You sure left some big shoes to fill.

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