Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Got A Light?

I recently heard the telling of a pastor who went to Salem, MA for a two week window during Halloween. Over 400,000 witches from around the world descended upon Salem within that two week window and 400 of them came to know the Lord as Saviour because he was simply willing to go and be a light in the darkness. He went on to say that one particular witch he encountered asked him many questions, but oddly never looked at him. When he made mention of this, she said the light that came out of him was too bright for her to look upon! (emphasis mine) GLORY! The Spirit within me leaps as I type this! That is what John 12:46 is all about! Oh that the world would SEE Jesus coming forth from our very beings --- impacting a lost and perverted world!
- Deborah @ Thoughts Along The Way

Isn't that AWESOME? I have been totally challenged and encouraged by this post. In another place she wrote:
I, along with my children, have started to experience something new when we are out. As I shared in an earlier post, I am (used) to people stopping me to talk when out and about because I sing worship songs as I go about my day. But, twice already this week I have been stopped in my silence and it has thrilled my soul! My sincere prayer is that this is happening all over in and through the lives of my brothers and sisters --- that the Spirit of the living God is moving among the people!
I hate to admit that it has been a while since I have had this happen to me, but I hope that it will again - and soon, too!

How are you doing? Is your light so shining before men that they praise your Father in Heaven?

As we serve our neighbors, friends, and family in the power of the Spirit of God, our light will begin to shine ever brighter. We will experience His joy and His glory as we seek to show it to the dark world all around us. Friends, it isn't a time for fear, but a time for boldness! Let's put our lamps up on a stand where all can see them. I am reminded of the words of an old hymn:

Brightly beams Our Father's mercy
From His lighthouse evermore,
But to us He gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.

Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

© 1947 Lorenz Publishing Company (a div. of the Lorenz Corporation)
Charles Francis Lane | Philip Paul Bliss

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