Saturday, November 10, 2007


A current, and rather popular evening television series bears the name "Heroes." I viewed the show once when it premiered last season, and never quite found me way back. To me, the folks portrayed on the screen seemed more to resemble cartoon characters than actual human heroes. While millions tune in to each episode, I will pause to reflect upon those remarkable people who I esteem as genuine, real-life heroes. Two names familiar to me come to mind:

John Gilmore Kirker, Corporal #641 Aero Squadron, US Army Air Corps, European Expeditionary Force, 1915-1918. A scant few years after Wilbur and Orville got us off the ground somebody at Headquarters decided that warfare should be airborne in the new Twentieth Century. Thus, for the first time in human history aircraft became weapons of combat. "Gil" was my Dad. He flew a solo bi-plane, carried one bomb, cruised so low and slow he literally shot at folks on the ground with a pistol, and generally tried to stay alive without killing himself in the new-fangled contraption. My hero helped secure the American way of life for my, and future generations as became a decorated World War I veteran of a foreign war. Today my father resides in heaven.

William Emery Thompson, Jr, (Retired after 18 years, Lieutenant Colonel), United States Air Force. Bill piloted a B-17 (and other craft) during World War II and beyond, flying in the Eighth Air Force in the European theater, based in England. My Father-in-law volunteered to fly a dozen extra missions (twenty-five were required, more available if you survived), and helped turn the tide in the Allies favor. His Bomb Group suffered, on average, seventy-five percent casualties. That's three out of four NOT coming back! They did not have time to learn one another's last names, and struggled to keep up with first names as the barracks received new faces every day. Today my Father-in-law resides in Central Florida. I thank him from time to time. He does not think he was a hero. He is wrong, but I let him continue in his delusion.

Veteran's Day 2007 occurs on Sunday this year so I hope many congregations of God's people will pause and remember those who have served, sacrificed, suffered and even perished to keep our nation free. Ours in Salisbury NC will do so. We will recognize and esteem those veterans with us for worship and will honor those who are afar off -- especially serving at present in the various fields of combat around the world.

A prayer of gratitude to God for the heroes among us might do you and them some good, and I am persuaded to believe that our Lord will be glad you thought of others who have served you.

GOD BLESS YOU, TROOPS... AND THANK YOU. My heart is touched by those of you who have given "that last, full measure of devotion" to the United States of America. Your gift of two lives (the one you surrendered in our behalf, and the one you would have lived if you had come home) will not be forgotten. Promise.

I salute you from the sidelines which YOU have secured for me and millions of others.

Gil and Bill, you are the best. I am humbled to be kin to the likes of you. In your honor, I will leave my screen blank when the TV show comes on -- whenever that is.

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